We'd like to announce some changes to the Support Portal, and the process for submitting support tickets.
In addition to Process Director, BP Logix also produces some specific use case applications. While these applications are built on the Process Director platform, most of these customers do not use the platform directly and work only in the context of the use case application which they've purchased. Since this is so, they need to submit support requests using a submission form that requires different information than the Process Director support request.
To accommodate this enlargement of customer types, and to ensure that different request types are handled properly, submitting a technical support ticket now requires you to choose the type of support request you'd like to submit. When you navigate to the support request form, a new field will appear prior to displaying the form, which will enable you to choose the appropriate support request you'd like to submit. Choosing an option from this field will display a support request for that is specific to the type of request you're submitting.
- Customers of any version of the Process Director platform can choose the Process Director Support Request. This selection will display the same tech support form you've already been using to submit support requests for the platform.
- Customers of any of the use case applications, such as PubPro, Approvia, etc., can choose the Application Support Request to use a new form that's tailored specifically for application customers.
Once you've selected the appropriate support request type, the appropriate form will be displayed to you. While the two different forms share some common fields, like a summary and description of the support issue, they also have other fields that are specific to the request type being submitted.
In the future, we may need to create additional support request forms for other applications or services from BP Logix. For instance, we might separate requests for Direct Assistance from generic Process Director support requests. If so, these request types will be added to the new field to increase the number of options available to you. For now, however, we're implementing only the choice for the two main selections of Process Director or Application Support Requests.
We believe the requirement to select a request type, while a minor inconvenience, will be outweighed by our ability to direct and resolve your support requests more efficiently.
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